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Monthly Archives: November 2008

Recently, after years of american tax-payer support for the ineffecient millitary that protects the theocratic entity that is called Israel (a state only loyal to people of a certain religious affiliation rather than humans regardless of point of view), the USA has finally implemented its first actual base.

Because over 3 billion people believe in monotheism these days, it’s fun to quote their holy books:

Deuteronomy 28:49

The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, [as swift] as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;

My point is of course the eagle; it’s as obvious as obscure references of Nostradamus to two towers burning on the 28th year anniversary of the 9/11.

I know what you sceptics are thinking: If it were gods’ word. It would be real clear and easy to understand.

But here’s the beauty of the monotheistic argument: God is indivisible. Like the roman general who wished to see the face of God by going deep into the temple, thinking he’d come across something like an image of Jupiter(the god not the planet), there’s just an empty room. Because you cannot ascribe any (human, but the point remains) characteristics to this one god. Of course, this does uproot the whole “sacred text” thing. Because all traditions, texts, moral views are equally Gods’ creations and cannot be viewed as seperate; nor can god be viewed as either good or bad, simple or complex, easy or hard to understand.

Being both moral and immoral, God could be described as amoral if anything. There is neither good or bad, but thinking makes it so as Shakespeare once said. Perhaps that is why so many people are fighting for the message of peace and hope with weapons and hate. Because if God has to be said to be one thing, it is a coktail of everything. EVERYTHING.

The middle-east has often been viewed as a place that nowadays could not form democratic institutions or traditions. This is not true, under harsh occupations, palestinians were able to hold a free and fair election. However, not following the general rule of the middle-east countries (often created by the old brittish empire and given formal though fairly hollow democratic institutions) by causing instability and lacking an iron fisted dictator (preferably backed with massive military aid, also called aid, but really weapons. Like Egypt and Saudi-Arabia), this was quickly dismissed and the people living in this densely populated area were thrown into starvation and conditions of life which persist to this day.

I just needed to get that off my chest after hearing: Let’s all pray for world peace and for terrorists to stop.

To which my standard response remained: Let’s talk to people who do harm, rather than pray (alone, quietly); mainly those in power, inspired by divine or statist illusions -servants of gods and kings in the olden day and the modern day remnants of that train of thought-, who use terror on a regular basis but also to those who are being brutally oppressed and at some point don’t wish to die alone, but take their perceived ennemies with them.

So finally, in chronological order:

To the jews: Killing 3000 people (real people, jews) because they were worshipping a golden animal is not my idea of “a just god”. Stop this, you just disobeyed the first rules written in stone, just brough down from the montain where Moses was given these holy rules; with nobody around to see it.

To the christians: Hang out with fishers and whores, maybe even a taxational officer or politician or somebody else equally despised. Also, don’t forget to let your hair and beard grow in his image rather than celebrating how romans used to brutally torture criminals to death back than.

To muslims: Ok, you’re lagging 600 years behind christianity. So I’ll comment again when we’ve reached the maturity level of your counterparts. Just keep the crusades, witch burning and whatnot to a minimum ’till then.

“Faith: not wanting to know what is true.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

We live in a world of global anarchy. There is no world government. This is probably a good thing, because “voting by feet” would be pretty hard. That is, you could no longer migrate, move, to illustrate that your are not content with the political, social or economic structure or policy which plagues the territory you inhabit.

This means “war crimes” or “acts of agression” by states may be illegal by standards of international law. But as long as america (the military industrial complex as Eisenhower called it) is world police, acts of enforcing this loose legal framework will be random at best. If these massive entitities are allowed to be the biggest arms dealers, have the capacity to destroy the world (despite the non-proliferation treaty) and slowly destroy mankinds habitat; it is difficult to force individuals to obey the very rules “they” (the structures that are suppose to represent civilians in a representive democracy) do not follow.

It should be clear by now that I’m not just talking about victemless crimes such as drug use or saying hatefull things in public. Or even teaching inmates new professions which are currently socially acceptable. True enough, drugsdealers could be retrained to serve the pharmaceutical industry. Thieves with a passion for calculus could learn whitecollar crime, which everybody seems to consider a victemless crime because they can’t see the possesions being stolen. Killers can be sent into the front lines of the army. However when the population is not forced by its state to serve in the army, it is the homeless and the coldblooded killers that join the de facto mercenary military anyway. Desensitizing the populus from any battles that may be fought in their name (because their lives are not truly influenced, they can tune all that out).

Nope, I’m talking about ALL CRIME. All prisons should be empty. Not by default. Always. They are the modern day oubliette and should therefor be abolished. Help junkies to stay on drugs that will help them function in whatever society you envision (granted, mine would be filled with junkies and eternal bliss). Have hooligans fight out whatever problems they may have with soulmates, just have them sign a piece of paper explaining they no longer wish to be a blight on the medical system (which provides all people, by default with global healthcare). In most countries (unlike the US), prisons are filled with mostly thieves and alike.

Because (and this could be offensive and a little stereotypical, but if you’ve read this far, I doubt you’ll stop now) the white man has pretty much raped and pillaged most of the world (why else would the americas mainly speak english and spanish, european languages spoken by the white tribe of the human race). And in prisons, it’s mostly those with an historically repressed background that end up haven stolen stuff back that rot away quietly. So from a racist point of view (and because mankind, not womenkind for all you feminista’s out there, at one point was almost extinct having to inbreed with the 1000 people left and white folk moved to europe and kept on breeding there, where animals were easy to domesticate and germs easily overcome, we thrived), they will probably never catch up with the current oppressive worldwide regime of apartheid (also called North-South relations, ghetto-niggas and fleeing to the land of the free) going on right now.

So fine, steal. If you steal more than the previous “owner” felt was rightfully is (having worked for it or inherited by ancesters who stole it from the forefathers of the people stealing it back) than there’s a good chance you’ll be shot. And if you shoot too many people, chances are you’ll be lynched by a mob.

Rather than relying on police, judges  and juries. You can be your own judge, jury and executioner. Treat others and you would like to be treated. Would you LIKE to go to jail if you broke the law? Or would you like to explain yourself to those you have wronged and make amends? Because the latter is the only way you could (if this is the goal) to decrease recidivism (which would decrease the costs of maintaining a prison system even in the current system).

I know what you’re thinking. What about the psycho’s? What about all those killers out there? Most of them don’t want to join the army or kill again! That’s because most murders are done in acts of passion. You’re far more likely to be killed by someone you know (and currently loves you and will remain to feel strongly about you one way or the other) than by a complete stranger. So stop hanging out with psycho’s if you want to live.

What other violent, sexual or substance deviances? Well, the only way we’re going to evolve is if every mutations (or meme’s) are acknowledged and are allowed to exist. You don’t have to like them, but if the color purple offends you, you may have to stay inside the house a lot of the time. This is no reason to prescribe how others should act. Another touchy subject is rape. Gets the emotions all fired up. So let’s make some obscene statements about that. Women should rape more men, without men having to pay for it.

Right now, it costs a man a house, the obligation of fatherhood, listening to “feelings” and traditional ceremonies (such as marriage). Or, in the “first occupation of the world” circles, a finite sum of money. This profession is sometimes called “whore”. Wrongly so. Granted, human trafficking is a real problem. But so are all forms of migration. People will use all they have to get to where they want to be, for women their body is often all they have (because most cultures don’t allow them to develop their mind). When comparing sex workers and pornography “actors” to people who go to the same mindnumbing experience every day from 9 to 5, making a wage that will never allow them to accumulate enough wealth to truly do what they want and either come home alone or face a partner for whom they’ve sacrified all their hopes and dreams, who’s the real whore? Because once prostitutes get old (if they survive, keeping stuff illegal usually gets those involved with the underground killed), they HAVE to move on (unless there’s some new internet fetish niche) and join the regular workforce. Granted, that doesn’t quite settle the rape issue. So let’s call it surprise sex and move on.

Just like the color purple, people can wear all sorts of things on the street. With women this can include clothes that hide their faces, their hair, their breasts and so on. In New York it’s illegal to fine man or women for walking around topless. A cop that once fined a women for doing it was forced to pay 20.000dollars (could have been the city that pays him) because there’s a law there that says you can’t do that. Huray for boobies! Perhaps this sexual emancipation will one day settle the whole rape issue and the whole muslim, let’s go back to the 700’s train of thought.

Let’s see what else? There’s lots of crime that doesn’t really pay that people engage in anyway. So let them. Good things happen to bad people, bad things happen to good people. There’s no sense in regulating luck. Actions can be regulated, but not by some overarching framework. There’s no absolute moral code (unless you believe in a humanlike god that invented thought and morals before having humans evolve from primates). Like Shakespeare said, there is no right or wrong but thinking makes it so.

In the republican, liberal, whatever you want to call it, political school there’s a judicial branch which can only make a judgement for ONE individual case which CANNOT and SHOULD NOT (except in the USA, where precedent can serve as an example) be replicated. The situation requires context. Therefor, the legislative shouldn’t make universal laws that can’t truly be applied anyway. Again Shakespeare: Kill all the lawyers. Those with the most money hire lawyers and have the law explained in whatever way suits them. The executive branch comes from the divine right of the King (like in the belgian constitution) which was gods representative on earth (after the halfgod faraos gave up, a few thousands of years and a couple of piramids later) and pretty much boils down to executing anyway who thinks and acts on their own. So there goes that.

You’ve guessed it, not just the division of power has to end. The entire idea of governing people has to. It’s not enough to have the people make the laws and get rid of everything else that isn’t pure democracy. It has to plunge into pure anarchy. And not just order like most followers of the theory of anarchism would like to see. I’m talking about disorder and disarray.

Let the chaos that has been with us since the big bang fully come into potential. Let’s try every conceivable form of existence that enters or tiny brain. Our world is chaotic, always has been. And these futile attempts to organize are pitifull at best. Mostly, they’re misguided and have no universal basis.

In case I left some provocative thoughts out, I would like to quote Bill Hicks on a rant when being heckled and getting some blanc stares:

“Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever. Kill ’em all Adolf, all of ’em – Jew, Mexican, American, White – Kill ‘Em All! Start Over, the experiment didn’t work! Rain – forty days please, ***** rain and wash these turds off my ***** life – wash these human waste of flesh and bones off this planet. I pray to you God to kill these ***** people.”

(the ***** indicate a four letterword used to give it lifelike zest. The world actually refers to procreation, an act of what is often called love. Somehow, THAT is considered by most to be offensive and cannot be said in the workplace or written in public arena’s. Often “children” and “morality” are propped up as arguements. Of course, exchanging ideas, such as the ones espoused above can’t possibly hurt)

Here’s a short summary of Manifesto’s worth reading:

Ron Paul: The Revolution:

The US of Adverstising has military bases in 131 countries. The Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin. Both want war, they differ on tactical issues. The morality is not to be discussed. As for free market or what was once called “the democratic experiment”, I feel there is no better place to test it than the USA. If only to stop the flow of military aid to Columbia, Egypt, Saudi family and Israel.

A Virus Manifesto:

The Internet can be a freeing force. Like voting it’s anonymous, but you can even explain yourself.


I haven’t read it yet, but it’s good to remember we dont’ live a democracy or city-state (if you’re an Aristotle fan) yet.

The Communist Manifesto:

Compare some these with your current State-System and how much power it has over the individual even in neo-liberal western-europe:

To quote:

The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.

Nevertheless, in most advanced (not the agrarian russia of 1918 or the current “third world countries”) countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.

Manifest Destiny:

Ok, not a manifesto. But it’s a good to remember democrats started imperialism, took half of Mexico’s land and pretty much completed the genocide of native americans (if that term has any meaning at all).

The Declaration of Independence:

That all men are created equal except for black people, this was later amended and used by lawyers as a legal technique to grant rights to corporations. And that the persuit of happiness is more important than obtaining it.

The Fascist Manifesto:

George Orwell explained that fascism is a term void of meaning by now (and by the time he wrote most of his works even) and used to describe any and all undesirable forms of exercising power. It’s ironic to note that this manifest includes: Voting rights for women, abolition of elitist institutes based on nobility and nepotism, minimum wage, a progressive tax, peace when possible (by default). Il Duce somewhat abused this document and the movement. But a lot of corporatism still lives on in Belgium when you think about it.

The GNU Manifesto:

Copyleft things instead of copyright them and replace competition by cooperation. If you think this will take the challenge out of life, I remind you that we have a huge capacity to destroy all human life on earth and various other lifeforms. It’s a challenge for mankind to last langer than say, the sun. This idea never caught on in the land of Tetris, because it resembled communism too much.