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In Confoederatio Helvetica, a utupic future (and not so distant past), might look like this.
Morning, get up. Wash with water.
Need soap and shampoo from pant H. It grows on the mountainside and requires no maintenance.
Just water. Which flows because of global warming from our precious glacier.
I like the smell, so I made deodorant (also made from H) also smell like it. I´m not a lavander person.

Time to eat something. Ate last of my personally slaughtered chicken yesterday. Time for something less meaty today. Let´s see. Tomorrow I might eat soy, but for now, something more digestable. I´ll just take some seeds from plant H from the near brook. It´s got energy (567 calories/100g), Protein (30.6/100g), Carbohydrate (10.9) Dietary fiber (6), Fat (47.2), Saturated fat (5.2), Oleic (18:1 Omega-9, 5.8), Polyunsaturated fat (36.2), Linoleic (18:2 Omega-6 27.6), Linolenic (18:3 Omega-3 8.7), Linolenic (18:3 Omega-6 0.8). And zero cholesterol. About 5grams will be water from the near brook, but I’m cool with that.
It’s got Vitamin A, Thiamine (Vit B1) , Riboflavin (Vit B2), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium and Iron. So that’ll be enough for breakfast. Save some of the seed oil for treatment of eczema.
Also no gluten in it, so I can share it later with people who have celiac disease.

It´s noon. I just worked in the barn, feeding the animals with plant H I brought back from the mountainside. What they don´t eat can be used as hay. I´m exhausted. Still have a long day. Better eat something made of plant C butter. Can´t swallow the painkillers because they have too many side-effects on my stomach.

Evening. Just looked to see if plant C was doing fine. I try to keep it seperate from plant H. Otherwise it all turns H. Far relatives of hop, which I don´t brew. I don´t need to have an industrial only variety to make of for this lacking thirst as they call it. I harldy use Fords T-model. Made it after his and diesels design myself. Same fuel source and all. Made from, mainly plant H and runs on it too.
Time to relax. I eat some more butterscones from C. I throw some of the outdoor variety on the campfire, it was growing too close to H and might start mixing. I take some more blankets to keep warm, also made from H, as are my clothes.

As I write this down on paper made from H, I take some plants C and vaporize it to fight the depressing and grim reality. This isn´t utopia, this is the real world.

My plant H is of course, Herbicide. Plant C, Change.

Update: I couldn´t stop nature from crosspollinating. The plant spreads like a weed. Growing in all climates and deserts. Withstanding the conditions of central asia. Even though it originated from the rainforest. Started growing the domisticated variety, tribes used it a couple of thousand years in this manner. The molecule with medicinal values reaches 8% which is sufficient.

I just saw the clip “Rise Against – Re-Education (Through Labor)” and it reminded me of Fight Club. But also of 24 and Xe.
The clip started with a quotation from John F. Kennedy:”Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

Now, if all of us (wealthy worldcitizens, access to internet etc) were to adopt this principle; the world would be an ugly place.

Don’t get me wrong, I like JFK. But the (cold) war rethoric bothers me. If anarchists (meaning people who identify themselves with the anti-authoritarian tradition) were to use the ‘propaganda of the act’ as it were, we’d all be terrorists.

If ANYBODY, starts adressing their grievances (such as state terror on a massive scale) by mimicing the abhorrent behavior, we’re in for a very long and destructive circle (if not spiral, but I doubt cycle) of violence.

Imagine, the anarchist cookbook and the destructive nature of such literature being applied by all extremes of the political spectrum. From left wing commies, claiming all private property is theft, to right-wing contractors who feel the only way to keep order is to do it themselves.
That doesn’t include the people desecrating public property because they feel what one arm of government does, they should annihilate its legs.

The logic is destructive. Meanly because it’s war logic. If you look at this as a war, we’re all going to be fucked.
But as george carlin points on (on education –must see!-), the owners of this country won’t allow us to learn anything. So if we (the masses) can’t think (if that’s reserved for elites), we’ll have to act. Without rational thought I feel this could easily lead into harsh situations.

However, if one (leftist) would replace say, class warfare with class cooperation, he’d quickly have a fundamental change of position (even it’s its only implemented after nationalising the collectives’ wealth); we’d end up with fascism.

Which is a difficult position to maintain. Of course, if you WANT power and you want to achieve your OWN political agenda: Fascism is the way to go.

It is the only thing that does not tolerate anarchy. It doesn’t even tolerate the mob. CIA had to rebuild that with the french connection (drug money, prohibition excluded liquids again). There was order in the streets. The manifesto had been somewhat realised. People listened, and the ones that didn’t were dealt with.

If I lived in the world wars, I hope I’d have been a pacifist. Maybe I’d had joined the resistance, because there was so much suffering around me and no wealth.

But right now, even if I were to -for the sake of argument- think of the current world regime/empire is more totalitarian than it could have been over 50 years ago, I’d still use non-violent means to address the issue.
Like say, words, ideas, concepts, etc.

There was a massive movement, even followed by the Czar (because his poor weaponry) leading up to the Great War. In the Second World War, it becomes hard to repeat Dwight on the american version of The Office and say that “it was a war we never should have gotten involved with”.
Even Einstein and Chomsky thought fighting it was right, and I kinda look upto these guys. But winning a war never determines who’s right, only who’s left.
In this case, the guys with the nukes won. Thank you a lot, Einstein!
And then there’s an MIT (pentagon budget) professor who teaches linguistics who can’t decide on paying taxes or not (or any other act of civil disobedience) because it might lead to fascism.

Of course, I don’t live in a country with the same budget lay-out (military is lik 15% here and most of it goes to social security and health, my region gives most its money away on education and health), so I pay my taxes (well I don’t because I’m a student and I hardly work, when I do the tariff is low and I give most of it away on causes so I get a refund). So even non-violent oppossition isn’t really an option for me either, either by voicing my opinion (because it’s easier to encounter people who might actually recognize me then in such a small country as mine) or by not paying taxes (even though 147 dossiers of 100000 known fraudulents cases are handed over to the justice department of further selection).

As for violence as legitimate means…To what? For what? What’s the end? In my world view it’s peace and non-violence. It’s dialogue, reason, and above all freedom and justice. The first two being the means. The latter two the goals, incompatible with legitimating violence.

For the ends are the means, and anarchism ought to be about deconstructing institutions of power (when classified as illegitimate), not about repeating mistakes of the past.

Make new ones. Do anything, try anthing. Just try not to infringe on other people’s right to do the same. And violence tends to target the weak. You may feel strong knowing that information is free and it’s surprisingly easy for any individual to destroy a lot of infrastructure, human lives, systems of dominance and whatnot.

If not, I’m sure EVERYONE will be able to find SOMETHING they’d be willing to burn, pillage and rape over.
Albeit, most might not abide by that order.

Deconstructing is the core of anarchism. Not destruction. The general consensus (and the media ferment this idea that the masses are violent and best adressed accordingly) seems to be that anarchists all want anarchy. That is to say, disorder, destruction. Destruction of wealth, merely because it is property (for the masses have little else to touch or stir when it comes to economy, especially in disarray). Rather than declaring it eg. a public good. Or concentrate on the fact that anarchism refers to the political theory which essentially deconstructs all systems of power and authority untill they are legitimized. And even then, further analysis has to prove that it works. Tradition and rituals are false gods.
That’s about it from a religious metaphor. I could give you an ideaological simile, but I’d be understood as being somebody decreeing some thing. And not another, to define oneself in the spectrum.
But that’s the problem within the mainstraim thought of both intellectuals and the sometimes hardly literate masses: The idea that politics is narrow and anything to fundamentally alter it must be violent in its nature, or at least very, very hard work and best done by the workers or, respectively, brainiacs.

Anarchism is deconstructing. Those systems of thought. And many others. For me, it’s about freedom. And perhaps that is justice, because it is inevitable, that one day, we will all be equally free. When vengeance becomes so codified as to agree to call it just and all else immoral.Or perhaps that day has already come and we move on. To something in which all of humanity has the same rights, conditions. abilities and all else that could be regarded as core fundamentals. Of the individual, within his community, within the environment and to know that they are all interconnected. And that frustration is not a stable path. All members of society ought to be free in mind and body. To decide their own path, within their own identity. I believe that identity begins with the human race (homo sapiens sapiens) and perhaps, in many years (Spain leading the way), all primate descendants. After that, mammals (starting with dolphins and whales), moving on to fish (like sharks etc) and so on and so on, untill we realise that we are all one.

As Hicks said, let us explore space. Both inner and outer. Together.

It seems clear now that Europe may rebuild Afghanistan escorting military operations conducted by US troops and contractors. NATO will continue to turn over people to the regime which will torture them in many cases (and who knows, maybe before it’s all over, he’ll be a terrorist). Basically, NATO will have to join the fight to control the mass population. This is a mixed strategy because the european army is still more or less mixed. The variants that come into play are along very nuanced and interacting paths. Belgians way of training troops (military or neighbourhood cop) will define the post-revolution (1979) landscape and shape the future junta. Civics lessons are nice idea, law and order is currently the talibans monopoly.
If post-colonial powers cannot succusfully install a stable oilpipeline, there’s no telling what Russia will do. Their willingness to make sacrificies is equalled only by the largest empire history has ever seen, funded by the chinese.
If India gets its tech people to run the japanese fighterdrones (they’re decades ahead, don’t tell me they don’t have transformers fully functioning), there’s no predicting how this will end.
Europe will be sick of getting a lousy oil/gas deal from its Ursidae second-world, almost complete capitalist third-world (those are the only ones that AREN’T protectionist, are weren’t because they were raped and pillaged on a metaphysical level) country.
Seriously, there’s nothing there but rocks. Leave it alone, a good part of the 20th century were moderate. Giving women the right to vote that is, maybe that’s too radical.
Exactly what kind of reaction are we trying to provoke with locals?
“Hello, I’m white and well armed. I’m here to help,”?
The Fundament (Al Qaida) is likely to hold a firm ground where the biggest army decides to draw lines in the sand.
Obama’s adviser (from Carter era) still wants a capitalist state of whatever regime, despite what the populations’ desire for afghan democracy and independance. The Mujahedin were his doing and Bin Ladens’ CIA training was hybris in the making. Breeding this medieval environment is manifest doom.
We will not win. Winning has no parameters, they’re infinite. The afghan civil war has to be thrown aside for securing oil and gas. The history of this region has only one, dominant lesson. It has huge blowback. In the long run, the gorilla movement has owned those caves. Even if we end up nuking every square inch (I think there are enough nukes for that on the planet) of that state, we’ll still end up with radiated oil.
So, what ARE we doing there?

Personalities of past presidents have been intertwined with, amongst other things, their death. Lincoln was shot, FDR died in office from polio. Which you would like to see Obama end his career with?
Or is it Kennedy’s escalation in around Vietnam. The middle-east will be the new Indochina. Then again, that guy got shot too. So maybe another policy or charismatic option is required for hopefull change.
Now they(Robert Gates and alike) want to do the same thing to afghanistan as they did in Iraq.
Obama doesn’t want to get into the medical marihuana debate (states allow it) because it would waste political capital. Joe Biden and Clinton are allowed to run affaires that are abroad. How is he going to respond to the very real fact that cannabis has replaced opium as a crop. This major cash crop also has a low THC-variant, hemp. Industrial use of this was common for centuries, many taliban tribes haven’t evolved either the last couple of centuries, mind you. Making the plant illegal has been an on again, off again relationship. The use of any substance that can impair judgement is considered haram, forbidden. Then again, when fighting infidels, Al Qaida and other extremists find no fault in allowing production and storage of opium and cannabis (the variant that can also be used for medicinal purposes) to skyrocket to unseen heights.

Only in being realistic about the facts on the ground can you make adequate decisions. What kind of change will he bring after 72 years of prohibition (wood pulp and corn methanal could be ecologically and economically replaced in a sound manner)? Is there a scientific aspect that ought to enter the dialogue? It is time to reach beyond faithfulness and platitudes.
It is time, for change.

So maybe, Obama is Ron Paul.

Just kidding, unless Obama allows a viable, pluralistic, multi party system to take root; Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, Bob Barr and sorts don’t stand a change in hell 😉

Disclaimer: Narrative may vary in time according to your place in the Universe. General and special rules of relativity apply.

“Look, lifeforms on the dry part of a watery celestial body.
They seem to multiply quite hastely. Oh look, they’ve developed a hierachic structure. Oh no, the top is inbreeding.
Let’s see what the masses are doing. Oh no, they’ve even more narrow sighted. Whatever instantly satisfies is chosen. The surving specimens are rather happy, the sad ones die quickly. The sad ones die quickly. Cognitive abilities are hampered due to massive consumption of dehydrating liquids.
Look at their habitat, this mammalian creature will probably have to evolve to adapt to such a drastically altering environment. The radiation might speed up the process. Then again, after growing thumbs; what’s left?

When I was child I wanted to suit up, with a briefcase and GO places. Now that I’m a little older, I realise that that’s not going to accomplish anything. I mean, there’s nothing you can do that can’t be done. Why should I want to achieve anything? Are my desires not just as much me as my performances?
You’d say it’s part of selfrealisation, that labor enables man to exist in its purest form. Being part of something greater is its own reward and makes you feel good about your’self’. But isn’t having a good time worth just as much? When did feeling good, and feeling good about yourself or nobler good (grand collective identity, tiny community) came to be at a par, and perhaps beyond. Our first duty now, is not just to obey the law anymore, it’s obeying the laws of economics. However, there’s not written by the people or for the people, they’re abstract musings which in practice often translate into inhumane policies which are forced upon small ‘states’ (former colonies) who must endure rules, never imposed upon industrial world.

So really, just tune out, and relax. It’s all fine. It’s not going to be fine, but right now it is. And there is only now. And here. And nothing else. No added value, no extra meaning.
Humans are a cosmic blimp on the grand scheme of things.

Because “Answers” is the honoray title of this site; I’ve decided to do a edited version of my previous post. It was a bit engimatically structured. This post may seem a little full of ‘Truthiness’ but oh well.

We can fix the deficit.
Tax the largest cash crop in existance and the others too.
We can fix our energy dependancy.
Biomass from weeds. (90% of fossil fuel can be replaced in this manner)
We can fix our warlike desire to compete.
Increased tolerance, creativeness, mutual respect and cooperation. (India had Ghandi)
We can cure cancer
(or at the VERY least fix chemo side-effects) and various other illnesses.
We can rebuild the world (Youtube: Hemp building materials)
(the blueprints can be written on the same hemp the US Constitution was written on)
We can rewire the world
Not just the way we think, but ropes made from hemp were strong and plentifull once. (Cellulose, same reason its better than paper and cement)
We can have our own sun. (Don’t blot it out just yet though)
Essential oil can be used for perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, and candles.
We can redraw our reality
Hemp oil can be used for lubricants, paints and inks. (preferably on a canvas 😉

Of course, there are some medical uses:
Between 1840 and 1900 over 1000 major medical articles recommending cannabis as a therapeutic agent were published.

It is still puzzling that no serious modern survey of the therapeutic value in cannabis has been conducted. This is because it is illegal, and may well be due to pressures from the pharmaceutical and drug companies who fear loss of profits if cannabis is accepted medicinally. Just imagine all those people growing their own remedy!

* Appetite stimulant
* PAIN RELIEF in spinal injury, arthritis, rheumatics, sprains.
Marijuana Could Help Cocaine Addicts Kick Habit: New Scientist, 4 October 2001
The other option is disregard one quarter of the population because they’ve used it at one point in their lives as ‘pothead opinions’. And claim their views are obviously skewed (on the basis that once you’ve gotten high, you can never get be properly low again).

If you die before you’re 74, most probably reason you’re already dead is:

Lungcancer (hits 1.1% of the men, 4% of the women), coronary heart disease (0.9% of the men die this way, 3% women), suicide (0.8% and 0.3% actually succeed), traffic accidents (0.5% males unavoidably died, 0.2% females), Cerebrovascular disease (0.3% for all people equally), COPD (0.3% and 0.1% of crap in their lungs) and casualties of breast cancer (except for 0.7% of the women)!

So next time you say safety above all, or make a list of things you’re willing to die or let people die from something. Remember this list.