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Deconstructing is the core of anarchism. Not destruction. The general consensus (and the media ferment this idea that the masses are violent and best adressed accordingly) seems to be that anarchists all want anarchy. That is to say, disorder, destruction. Destruction of wealth, merely because it is property (for the masses have little else to touch or stir when it comes to economy, especially in disarray). Rather than declaring it eg. a public good. Or concentrate on the fact that anarchism refers to the political theory which essentially deconstructs all systems of power and authority untill they are legitimized. And even then, further analysis has to prove that it works. Tradition and rituals are false gods.
That’s about it from a religious metaphor. I could give you an ideaological simile, but I’d be understood as being somebody decreeing some thing. And not another, to define oneself in the spectrum.
But that’s the problem within the mainstraim thought of both intellectuals and the sometimes hardly literate masses: The idea that politics is narrow and anything to fundamentally alter it must be violent in its nature, or at least very, very hard work and best done by the workers or, respectively, brainiacs.

Anarchism is deconstructing. Those systems of thought. And many others. For me, it’s about freedom. And perhaps that is justice, because it is inevitable, that one day, we will all be equally free. When vengeance becomes so codified as to agree to call it just and all else immoral.Or perhaps that day has already come and we move on. To something in which all of humanity has the same rights, conditions. abilities and all else that could be regarded as core fundamentals. Of the individual, within his community, within the environment and to know that they are all interconnected. And that frustration is not a stable path. All members of society ought to be free in mind and body. To decide their own path, within their own identity. I believe that identity begins with the human race (homo sapiens sapiens) and perhaps, in many years (Spain leading the way), all primate descendants. After that, mammals (starting with dolphins and whales), moving on to fish (like sharks etc) and so on and so on, untill we realise that we are all one.

As Hicks said, let us explore space. Both inner and outer. Together.

One Comment

  1. Greetings,

    Every time I drive by the country club with its high fences, I say what gives you the right. The natives of America had it right when they knew that you can’t own the land. We are heading in the wrong direction but that’s allright. The attempted establishment of the New World Order will only result in the ultimate doing away of many things.

    One day we will live in a world with HMO’s or Wall Street, or Banks, or Car Inusrance. Everyone will sit under their own fig trees and be at peace.

    Until the days when we can rebuild on the ruins we are in for one hell of a fight. Love is our ultimate weapon. If they can’t get us to hate them we will destroy them.



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